Category Archives: Holocaust

You Talking to Me?

On April 1, 1933—only two months after Hitler became German Chancellor, and five years before Kristallnacht—the Nazis organized a nationwide boycott of Jewish businesses. And they made sure that shoppers got the message.
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hitler's damaged  trousers after assassination attempt

A solid wood table probably saved Hitler’s life on 20 June 1944 when Count Stauffenberg attempted to kill the Fuhrer with a bomb hidden in a briefcase.

Hitler’s  trousers give some indication of the force of the blast.

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Normandy American CemeteryAmerican soldiers killed in battle were usually routinely buried with Christian gravestones—even if they were Jewish.

Such mistakes are now being identified and corrected.


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Hands Up!This haunting image of a boy too young to be a menace to anyone is  familiar as a stand-alone portrait. However, it is actually part of a group shot portraying SS men as well as their Jewish prisoners in the Warsaw Ghetto.

About a dozen individuals are potentially identifiable from the original photograph, and there are several candidates for the boy with his hands up. Only one person has been definitely identified in the larger group.

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Concentration Camps Cost Extra

A London wax museum mounted this extraordinary exhibition several months before Germany surrendered—and before Auschwitz was liberated. Read more

red_flag-2-watchesThe Reichstag Red Flag: Faked?

Staged? Faked? Like Joe Rosenthal’s famous Iwo Jima image that inspired him, Evgeny Khaldei’s dramatic photograph attracted controversy – and still appears in different versions.   Read more

Hessy TaftHessy Taft: Perfect Aryan Child!

When Hessy Levinson was chosen (possibly by Josef Goebbels) as Germany’s most beautiful Aryan child, her parents were more scared than proud. This beauty queen was a time bomb. Read more