VJ-Day—Victory over Japan.
The good news was so good that they sealed it with a kiss. But who is the kisser—and who is the kissee?
VJ-Day—Victory over Japan.
The good news was so good that they sealed it with a kiss. But who is the kisser—and who is the kissee?
When British Major William Martin’s body washed up near Spain in 1943, the Germans obtained a snap of his fiancée Pam - and Allied invasion plans. The Germans were delighted. So were the Allies. Read more
Was this photograph genuine? Hitler had his doubts. Friedrich Paulus, head of the Sixth Army in Stalingrad, was actually a Field Marshal—and German Field Marshals preferred suicide to surrender. At least, they were supposed to.
Six soldiers raised the flag, photographer Joe Rosenthal took his shot, his photo quickly became a phenomenon - and he was accused of staging the whole thing. Read more
In 2016 - nearly 70 years after the fact - the Marine Corp concluded that Navy Corpsman John Bradley was not actually one of the six flag raisers. Alas, Bradley was the best known member of the group. Read more
When Hessy Levinson was chosen (possibly by Josef Goebbels) as Germany’s most beautiful Aryan child, her parents were more scared than proud. This beauty queen was a time bomb. Read more